Texas Czech Genealogical Society
Texas Czech genealogical Society

Advertise in the Stopy

The Ceske Stopy is a quarterly publication sent throughout Texas, the United States, and the Czech Republic.
Ad Size
Business Card
$  10
Quarter Page
$  30
Half Page
$  75
Full Page
For scheduling and content restrictions, contact:
To place an Advertising Order by email:
1. Mail your check to:
Texas Czech Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 150772
Austin, TX 78715
**Your check must be received prior to running the ad.
2. Email your ad in Portable Document Format (PDF) to:

** All ads must be in "ready to import" format; no layout work will be done.
To place an Advertising Order by mail: 
1. Print out the Advertising Order form.
2. Mail the Camera-Ready Ad, along with your Check or Money Order to:
Texas Czech Genealogical Society

**All submitted advertisements must be camera-ready and be approved by the Editor